Do you find yourself always needing to rely on your medication to lower your blood pressure? If you've tried all the solutions under the sun, and still struggle to deal with your high blood pressure, then I welcome you here! I want to you to know that you can approach it naturally and not have to depends on drugs to live a happy and healthy life.
Do you find yourself always needing to rely on your medication to lower your blood pressure? If you've tried all the solutions under the sun, and still struggle to deal with your high blood pressure, then I welcome you here! I want to you to know that you can approach it naturally and not have to depends on drugs to live a happy and healthy life.
In ‘Hack Your Way to Lower Blood Pressure’ you will find a well-designed set of seven strategies, each of which addresses a major cause of hypertension.
Use the Assessment provided to know which ones may be the priorities for you so you don’t waste time trying remedies that may not work for you.
You’ll discover:
Even if you’ve been told you have to take drugs for life because your problem is ‘genetic’ you will find answers nobody else talks about.
If you want to control your blood pressure naturally, or prevent the onset of hypertension and heart disease, then get your copy, and take action today.
Meet Chris Pickard B.Sc
Chris originally trained as a chiropractor in the UK, graduating in 1995 and was always fascinated that some ‘non-chiropractic’ conditions like high blood pressure and angina would improve with spinal therapy.
Three of his grandparents had high blood pressure and diabetes, and one of them died suddenly of a heart attack before he was born, so it was always something of concern to him.
When his father started blood pressure medication at 55, despite being slim, and not stressed he started actively researching what could be done.
To cut a long story short, he tracked down and trained with some of the best functional nutritionists and doctors in the world, learned some functional neurology and then enrolled in the Cardiovascular Health Institute (CHI) founded by top US cardiologist Dr Jack Wolfson.
He is proud to be the first of official CHI trained Holistic Heart Specialist in the UK, and part of the first class in the world.
Why ‘Lifestyle Medicine’ lowers Blood Pressure and improves your health better than drugs & without side effects.
This free workshop will show you exactly how to lower your blood pressure naturally.
Why ‘Lifestyle Medicine’ lowers Blood Pressure and improves your health better than drugs & without side effects. This special event that will show you exactly how to lower your blood pressure naturally.
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